Brandermill Community Association

Your CAM Committee:

  • Candice Streett, Chair
  • Pete Gammon, Vice Chair
  • Judy Malek
  • Julio Moncada
  • Richard Feerick
  • Janit Allen
  • Lee Adams


To improve the lives and property values of the residential and commercial members of the Brandermill Community Association by enhancing the character and culture of Brandermill, and by making the community more

To enhance and maintain the appearance, value, and livability of the Brandermill community. To advocate prudent community investment in the appearance and the natural and recreational resources of Brandermill.

The committee will be guided by the Brandermill master plan with the direction of the Board of Directors, General Manager and Staff Liaison.


  1. Identify opportunities and set priorities to enhance the appearance and livability of Brandermill
  2. Develop strategies, tactics, and budget proposals as well as promote activities that support and progress committee goals
  3. Influence the application of community resources to accomplish committee goals including, staff efforts, funds, and resident engagement
  4. Make recommendations to the Community Manager that support committee goals and related projects
  5. Develop and present proposals to the Board that support committee goals and related projects
  6. Coordination across other BCA committees to support committee goals and related projects
  7. Coordinate BCA activities that support committee goals including:
    • Landscape planning
    • Open space maintenance and enhancement
    • Signage
    • Tree Management
    • Lake and shoreline protection
    • Trail improvement and maintenance
  8. Develop innovative proposals that maximize the use of Brandermill’s natural resources to enhance the overall community property value and recreational opportunities
  9. Make recommendations for the BCA’s annual budget and advocate for funds to support committee activities and goals
  10. Engage and promote resident participation in activities that enhance the appearance, value and livability of Brandermill


The Community Appearance & Maintenance Committee reports to the Community Manager and through the Community Manager to the BCA Board of Directors and operates according to the provisions of this Charter, the bylaws of the Association, the BCA General Policies for Committee Operations, and any other regulations that may be put into action by the Board from time to time.

The CAM committee shall have seven (7) voting members and two (2) non-voting alternate members. Members are to be approved by the Board of Directors. The rules governing membership terms, BCA Board liaisons and BCA staff liaisons and other standards for the operation of this and other BCA Committees are stated in the BCA Board approved document titled Brandermill Community Association General Policies for Committee Operations.

The committee will meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the BCA office. Meetings and/or changes to the schedule will be advertised in advance.


Written minutes will be submitted to the BCA Board of Directors following each meeting of the committee. Whenever recommending action to be taken by the BCA Board of Directors, this committee shall prepare a document separate from the minutes and provide this document to the BCA President describing the action(s) to be taken. The Chair or the Chair’s designee should attend the BCA Board meeting and report in person to  the  Board whenever Board Action is sought by the committee or when activities of the committee merit such reporting.t into action by the Board from time to time.


The Director of Maintenance will serve as the staff liaison to this committee.


The Board Liaison will serve as an information resource from the Board to this committee.


This committee will have responsibility for making recommendations for the areas of its responsibility during the budget development process and for monitoring the financial progress of those areas throughout the year.


This Charter will be reviewed annually by the BCA Board of Directors.